Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fools

Hi everyone, today is April Fool's day. I got my son Ian good, told him that spring break was cut short and he was to go back to school tomorrow, He freaked, Ha, Ha, ha. :)

In a little over two months i will be in Wisconsin working as a camp nurse. Am i excited? you betcha. I have started a countdown,
10. Start and finsh quilt for camp room
9. Study, Study, Study, I need to brush up on stuff like basic first aid and lyme disease.
8. Get supplies, you know like sheets, towels, little table, bike rack on my truck etc.
7. get in shape this actually number 10 i have signed up at a gym near my house.
6. study study
5 get liecense changed to Wisconsin
4. get Ian ready
3. prepare myself mentally for Ian to go on the airplane by himself.
2. prepare myself for leaving my puppies
1. Get ready to have fun.

So stay tuned as the countdown begins.

Days are getting warmer here, i am listening to the waterfall on my pool again, my doors are staying open all the time. Yes spring is here in Central Florida.

Did get to see my son Matt and Kristen last week it was a short but nice visit, this week i have my youngest grandson Henry. He is four and every bit of 4.

I also got to see Jeremy and his other two charlie and Jackie they are staying with the other grandparents while i have Henry.

I will drive them back on Saturday, and then my Daughter Pegi, Waylon and the twins Dylan and tyler will be here. Yes this more than made up for Feburary , although March has held other great dissappointments.

In April i will find out if i have my job still or not, the budget is coming out, sometime this next week and there is not as much money as they had originally thought there would be so we will see. What will be will be.

I bought these plants from QVC i had a weak moment. Anyway they came to me in twigs and they are still like that, i am hoping that they get some blooms on them soon, i was really excited about them. They are supposed to be liliac trees, I also bought strawberry plants from QVC and they are doing great. so, I am hoping there is hope for the Liliac trees as well.

My garden at school is doing great i even got a compliment from the garden lady who use to run the garden. A couple of my plants had a hard time with the winter this year but two plants out of 10 is i think great.

Well i need to get going, we are going to a movie today "How to train your dragon" in 3D. oh yeah it is going to be great.

I am enclosing pics of Henry at the M&M store, my poor plants and the good one and one of my garden at school.

I hope you have a great Easter, peace, Vicki
Hi from cell phone

Sunday, February 14, 2010

the trials of Feb

It is February the month of love, heart awareness, and dental health month. For me February has been the month of trials one after another. I got home from my parents 50 Th anniversary to find out my debt card had been charged twice for everything i had put on my card. Hotel payment, misc payments at various stores and gas. So i spent the next week getting that straightened out. The fact that this happened is in itself another blog all together.

Work has not been so fun either, parents have complained that I have either called them for everything or not at all, this here is a perfect example as to you cannot please everyone. Why oh Why do parents send their kids to school sick is beyond me, i really do not understand that one. if your child is sick please keep them home that kind of sharing is just not accepted at school. :0

The one thing that just put all over top is my son could not come to see me due to snow in the south. You know global warming and all will do that cause snow in Dallas and other places in the south. Yeah well you know all those people who think there is global warming can take Al Gore and his Oscar, and shove it in the place that the environmental kooks tell us we can only use one piece of toilet paper to wipe.

I have got excited about making my bears again, i have a great place to send them too, The problem is yes there is always a problem these days is that i cannot find the pattern. My sewing room is still a work in progress, i don't know how i got everything in my sewing room in Nebraska, it was smaller than the one i have now, One reason may be i have a bed in my room now which i did not before , anyway i need to find that pattern. So tomorrow that is going to be my sole objective is to find the bear pattern i should go buy one that may be whole lot easier.

One day i will post on this blog about how i have a complete organized sewing room. dream on. :0

My puppies are doing good, Taz is beautiful and is finally completely house trained a fete that i thought would never happen. There is hope for my bear pattern. Gidget is my little alarmist, she is always going around making sure things are okay around the yard. little pixie is still cute as ever she is a little gluten i have almost got my finger bite off twice when i tried to give her a treat. ( we are going to have to work on that) She is little and cute. Pixie stays right up there with the big dogs when we go walking she holds her own.

This summer i get to be a camp nurse in Wisconsin i will be close to the Canadian border. I am looking forward to this because 1, i have never been to Wisconsin, 2. I think this will be a great experience. 3. My son Ian will get to go to the camp too and be a camper. I will have my own room i have to share the bathroom with the other nurse ( i know that part i do not like) . Here is the good part i get to bring my sewing machine and laptop. Just when you thought there would be no blogs from me this summer :0 I wanted to ask if i could bring my puppies at least one of them but i guess that would have been pushing it. :) I will be there all summer and Ian will be there for half of the summer. I think this is going to be a great experience for both Ian and I.

I did get my sewing room clean enough to make a quilt for my great niece Sophia, Also i am posting some pics of my parents 50 th anniversary got to see some relatives i have not seen in a long while . all my dad's brother and sisters were there. There was also this cousin sister Michael Ernest. she also celebrated 50 th anniversary. She was celebrating 50 years ago when she took her vows as a nurse. She is really neat to talk to , she was a mother Superior which is a big deal in the nun world. Pretty impressive. somehow i always felt as long as she was praying for me i was going to be okay. she comes from a family of 14 and my dad said she was as ornery as they come. :) I am including pics of that and one of little pixie . I hope everyone is having a better Feb than i am . My bad luck will hopefully turn soon. you have to have some bad times like this so that you can appreciate the good ones. until next time Peace. (/|\)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

more quilt pics

Happy 2010

Hi Everyone, Happy 2010. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. Ours was quiet, no company this year. I have to say it was kind of nice, although i did miss everyone. What was really nice was having two weeks off and not have to worry about anything. Although you would have thought i would have got tons done , but no , i was really lazy. Sunday night i decided to make rice bags for my clinic and so that i did. The kids at school like them except one he wanted the bag of ice instead. I guess you cannot make everyone happy. :)

I cut out a quilt for my new great niece and so i am hoping this gets me going i have two unfinished quilts now, i have not made a quilt in almost a year. I know what is wrong with me. This move to Florida is what. I don't have my quilting buddies and my resources here that i did there. So i decided to get the pics out of what i had done before and maybe this would get me excited to start quiilting again.

My sew room is still a work in progress but it is slowly getting there. I just remember in the past come Christmas holiday i would cut out like 3 or 4 quilts to work on during the winter and spring. Believe it or not i miss nebraska and all my friends, and my quilt shops and my quilter. I miss the snow right now i would be home sewing up a storm in my cozy little sewing room with my music blasting out of my Ipod.

So i am going to get the pics out and post them on here of my past quilts and maybe that will help me get in the mood to get busy again. I need to get out of the funk i have a job i love here, and i am starting to like my house and i have found a couple of quilt shops so i really need to get going.

I need to make new resources and new beginings here. It is just these things take awhile and this time it is taken longer than in the past. So bare with me if you have seen these pics in the past it is just part of my therapy.

catch you later, Peace

Sunday, November 29, 2009


It has been awhile since i have been here, thought i would catch everyone up on what is going on in my life. Gee i am bad with run on sentences aren't I. Can you tell Grammar was never my thing. Anywho. Lets see, when i last left , I think Halloween had just happen.

These are the things that have happened since then. number one the kids voted on a picture they wanted for the clinic at school and the principal that had retired from there a couple of years ago is quite the painter. She spent a weekend painting the clinic wall, it looks awesome. I also have a sign. the clinic is coming together.

My grandson Tyler got through his surgery to repair his acl with no problemo now he is doing physical therapy to be the mean driving machine he was before the tore that ACL.

I bought my twin grandsons these cool Net books so we talk to them through skype which is free by the way. Their net books have a camera and so does mine and it is so cool. I get to have conversations with them face to face. which is just awesome.

For Thanksgiving we flew to Nevada and spent it with Ron's mom. She lives in this little town called Panaca, it is 3 and half hours outside of Las Vegas. When we go we always spend the night before or after we visit Ron's mom. This time we did it before, stayed at the Luxor. It was nice , i was so sick and tired that i was really unable to enjoy being there. The next day we took off for the middle of nowhere Panaca. there is literally nothing out there, we pass area 51 and you just keep driving, the drive is a string of mining towns or what use to be minining towns lots of Mormons live out there. lot of Ranches and farms. We actually passed one farm and the cows were actually tipped over, i don't know if this was a bunch of kid pranks or they were dead i don't know i just know in my small little education in farm life cows cannot lie like that because they cannot get up.

Right Cindy. Cindy i have to tell a story about you because whenever i see a cow i think of this story. My friend Cindy grew up on a farm outside of Havre Montana and we lived at the little base that was stuck out there. We were 42 miles from the town of Havre, I went to a one room school house honest i did. Anyway Cindy was on of my best friends and my family use to hang out with her family. My family even took care of their farm once when they went on vacation. My dad use to brag how he could milk a cow, well he probably could at one time, but this particular time that we were taking care of the farm it took my Dad like an hour to milk this one cow. He was sweating pretty good when we got done. :)

Some of my fondest memories of my childhood were spent with Cindy and her family on that farm.

Okay back on to current events.

Ron's mom's house is right at the beginning of a national park, how fun for Ron growing up. I mean how many kids get to have a national park in their backyard. I had to go to the doctor the next day after we got there, and get some antibiotics and i pretty much slept through the whole Thanksgiving thing. For that matter I pretty much slept through most of my whole vacation, i am better now. What a way to spend your vacation huh.

I go back to work tomorrow, i am looking forward to that. I get to start my hand washing campaign. well I am actually in the middle of it. This week we will finish up what we did the week before the break and this week we will start the next phase.

I am going to have a poster contest where all the students make a poster about hand washing, and the winners will get the honor of putting their hand prints on the bathroom wall in the clinic. I can't wait.

I hope you have a great time getting ready for Christmas. My Christmas shopping is almost done, now i just need to get busy wrapping those things which i have gotten. I cannot Christmas is like 25 days away.

The big local news here is all about Tiger Woods he and his wife I don't know it is kind of sad but funny at the same time.

He lives not far from where i work, he lives in this gated community that is located in a little town called windamere, which is really a stickler about things like that stuff like that just does not happen in that town. Some old lady is sitting there going what is going on we don't allow this stuff here. :) too funny.

okay hope everyone has a good holiday and have fun with family and friends. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, Vicki

Sunday, November 8, 2009


HI everyone, Well this has been an interesting week. Right now i am listening to the news talk about the first Hurricane of the season, that will be here soon. Lots of rain.

Halloween was fun we had a great time at school in the morning all the classes had a parade and all the kids looked great in their costumes. The front office went as puzzle pieces. We have an award that is given every week to the person that works at the school that has worked in a team work effort , they call it the piece of the puzzle award, so that is kind of the work motto be a piece of the puzzle.

the paras like the librarian, tech guy , the art teacher all went as super heroes, the Liberian went as perfect man from an old book his cape was really cool all book covers very cool .

I got my sign for my door so i guess i am official it is kind of cool. This weekend the old principal is painting the wall in the clinic the picture the kids voted on , i am so excited about going in tomorrow.

This weekend was fun, i got to see Wanda Ammons. She and I worked at the base pool together, she worked in the locker room giving out baskets, and i was the lifeguard. Then at school she was the cheerleader and i was pep squad. it was really fun seeing her and meeting with her husband Richard. We started out looking for a Mexican restaurant and ended up eating steak the restaurant had sold out to the steak place. From their we went to a flea market to look for Betty Boop stuff , which we found a lot of.

A really nice day and so nice to see wanda after 35 years.

My grandson Tyler had his operation this week on his ACL, he is doing great and i am glad that part is over, now he is working on the physical therapy part.

We had a shooting on Friday, a guy who was mad at a former boss, decided after two years he was going to get revenge, one person was killed and five others were injured. The killer took off and all of I-4 was shut down while they were trying to catch the guy. He had been in and out of mental institution for the past two years. No i never took care of him not that i can remember. :)

We lost Stryker on Thursday , Stryker was 16 years old and had not been able to walk himself for the last year. Lately he had just looked miserable, and nothing seemed to make him comfortable, so it was time to put him down. Hard day. Snoop his son has been kind of moping around more than usual, i took him with me to Ian's soccer game and that seemed to cheer him up. He is the last of the corgis .

It is getting late so i am going to close this i guess the next time i will post something will be after thanksgiving , so i hope everyone has a nice thanks giving.

Okay someone just found a 6 ft boa constrictor in his engine . wow and there were people who actually went in there and tried to get it out, it weight 10 pounds. Why are people allowed to have these as pets. Now they are saying that big snakes have been showing up in neighborhoods all over Florida. I hope i never find one, i freak out when i see a little one i don't even want to think what i would do if i saw a big snake.
Good night.